Home grow laws

  • Coloradans can grow marijuana in their homes for personal use. 
    • Up to six plants are allowed per Colorado resident over age 21, with as many as three plants flowering at one time.
    • Don’t forget that counties and municipalities can pass stricter laws. For example, Denver limits a home grow to 12 plants, even if there are three or more adults over age 21 in the residence. Be sure to check your local laws for specific details. 
    • The laws are different for medical marijuana consumers.
  • Marijuana plants must be kept in an enclosed, locked area that can’t be viewed openly. This means the plants can’t be outside.
    • At homes with residents under 21, any marijuana grow area must be enclosed and locked in a separate space that minors can’t access.
    • At homes without residents under 21, extra precautions must be taken to make sure any visiting youth don’t have access to marijuana plants. 
  • Homegrown marijuana or marijuana products can’t be sold to anyone.
    • Only licensed marijuana businesses can sell marijuana products.