Safety with edibles

  • Although smoking marijuana has the added risk of harmful smoke exposure, eating or drinking marijuana still exposes you to THC, the chemical that makes you “high.”
  • All edible retail marijuana products must have clear single servings of 10 mg THC or less, with no more than 100 mg per product.
  • THC can affect people differently, so be aware of the amount you consume and its impairing effects.
  • If you aren't sure how marijuana will affect you, ingest less than one serving (10 mg) and wait at least 90 minutes and up to four hours before eating or drinking more.

Start slow

Food safety with marijuana

  • There’s no way to guarantee safety when putting marijuana in food. You can reduce the risk of bacteria and viruses by following safe food handling practices and good hand washing. More information on safe food handling is available through the state health department's training.